Saturday 28 April 2012

Goals and its limitations

How we define success is a matter of an individuals choice. Success is a very broad terminology as when we talk about it we are referring to its jurisdictions at both our personal and professional fronts of our life. However, it could have its regional/personal aspect as well meaning its measurement varies from person to person and region to region.  When you talk about someones success, what precisely do you perceive from it?  Did you mean he has accomplished what he endeavored or he achieved what society expected from him ? Jinxed?? Well that's what our society i.e. Indian society is about where your success is merely about personal aspirations but fulfilling what has been forged on us even before we were born. Besides few options for instance doctor, lawyer, engineer etc which when and if you don't follow your choice is scrutinized and you are made to feel like you have just made the most foolish decision of your life. Amongst the masses here, its not about what you want to achieve on the basis of your interests but mostly its based upon your strengths, practically there is nothing wrong with that, but do strengths always define our professional goals?  GO ask our parents and they will give you a big nod meaning 'DEFINITELY', hence sacrificing our goals. Even though things have changed dramatically and societal acceptance about our own choices (both personal and professional) has improved figuratively, but still for the most part it still remains a struggle and a massive amount of works needs to be performed to unearth what's lying beneath it.
It needs to be realized that it is no more about following the masses but following what you desire which when accomplished would define success in its true form. This generation has brewed some very different fields of work where people have niche-d their talent and work and hence society needs to address it in a broader way so that more youngsters break in these fields or form their own niche in different areas. Let society and the stereotypical cliche blue collar and white collar jobs NOT be the epitome of ambition for the coming generation, let them not be the yardstick for measuring success and tell us what is right and wrong for us. Let us discover it our self, let us trip, fall, get up, make mistakes and learn from it our self, let us not follow what needs to be followed but create our own identity and create our own path.
If I want to be a photographer let me be one don't ask moronic questions like " that's ok but what do you want to become", did I just not answer?? " I want to be a photographer??" The point is, our interests, our goals, our visions need to be taken and nurtured carefully and seriously.
A lot can be said and written, As I mentioned before, a lot has changed in the recent times but still a lot needs to be done to change the perception of a common man w.r.t to his vision of 'success' and goals.
I hope with time what should come is nothing but change in people's perceptions.

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