Sunday 29 April 2012

Who exactly is to be blamed for this??

Have you ever wondered where exactly are we headed? whether it be depletion in the name of modernization or industrialization, corruption in the name of new government's never ending new promises or it be what it is being called as the new name of this decade-"Terrorism". I guess even nature had its toll which we saw in the name of Tsunami, earthquakes, hurricanes and floods. Everywhere we look around, things are just falling apart one by one.
When we talk about modernization what exactly do we understand ? Do we mean that we are trying to create a world where we are trying to create perfect sky scrappers and trying to come up with that state of the art technology where everything is possible in a moments wink? but when we go to the other end of it, we witness that in the aim of creating huge monuments we are depleting our nature of its beautiful land and its resources. In my country farmers are being deprived of their precious land with a very little compensation just in order to build some factory which as promised by the government would bring prosperity to the country hence these poor people are left with little or no choice than death. So, were we talking about prosperity ? I mean prosperity at the cost of one's life?

And talk about peace in this era. 'Peace and 21st century' sounds so 'Oxymoronish'. I think we have just lost the definition of peace. It is peace in the name of ever growing terrorism attacks which we get to know/witness very often. Its so disheartening to see innocent people dying in those attacks who become victims of such awful inhuman act. What I fail to understand is the fact that all those people who are themselves involved in this game of mindless ruthless act, why are they actually doing it? What are they gaining from taking people's life? Is the answer revenge and peace? But when has death brought peace to one's life? Or have we become so immoral that the human within fails to remind us of the goods and evils of life? Well plethora of such questions remain to be answered.
We all pray to god( not including those who are atheist), so if god exists then why isn't he doing anything about it? We all Hindus, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs pray to god. Is he even listening? May be he is. All these natural disasters for instance, Tsunami, earthquakes, floods which may be scientific but may be its a signal from him that if humans do not put an end to what they are doing then may be nature will have its own way of ending life on earth.
Or may be we have to go by the saying "the man who starts it he himself would have to finish", after all everything moves in a cycle:  if life began with a single particle then soon shall this humankind be reduced to the former. Is Global Warming the end stage of this tremendously paced human life?
well lets leave that to god and time.
If we think we still have time to get things back on track and save destruction from happening then we all shall make the earnest endeavor to do it else it may be way beyond saying"its never too late".

Written back in January 2008. 

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