Sunday 29 April 2012

"Dating" what about it?? have you ever thought about it? ya..i mean if i were to comment on it then the first few words that comes to my mind are-strange,stranger,first time,best actually bestest(haha i think there doesn't exist a word like that but whatever who cares haha) etc.
I mean I know its something that we all do all the time but have you ever thought about the strange part of it. You meet a complete new stranger with this idea of making that person your potential "better-half", or just a random date (where you end up being in bed with each other but never meet up again) etc. But whatever it be, it needs investment in terms of time, money etc. But have you ever wondered like why so much? I mean just to meet that complete new stranger who you might have been chatting for the longest time or who you just met couple of days back and decided to meet or who you just met from one of the hook up websites. Whatever it be, you invest considerable amount of time chatting online, going to those websites, cruising through those profiles sending each other messages sometimes you hit it off sometimes you don't I mean so much for just a meet up? I mean don't you already have enough things to keep you occupied? what about your friends? your family? your job?  Part of the reason may be because we are always looking for something new and someone new. Why do you think there are so many dating websites out there? whether you are gay or straight, the services are a click away. They are there because you demanded it. But sometimes I wonder things have become so instant that what about the traditional idea of dating where you meet each other at a social gathering spend time together and when there existed no such thing called "Sex-dating" or least it wasn't that significant that it got itself categorized under dating!! I guess things evolved where from a more traditional party meetings changed to meeting at a club changing to meeting online to god knows what next. Thanks to the marketing team who are always looking for an idea to give it a "to be adored by masses image" and the whole world will run after it.
But whatever it be there is always going to be you, there is always that person, there is always going to be sex, marriage, kids or if not that far there is going to be again another you and another meeting and another person etc etc with the whole cycle repeating itself again and again. But thanks to the idea of dating and medium mediating its flow from one prospect to the other.
So what next? Just observe what is the next step to the idea of dating I mean what more mode of changes are to be witnessed. Whatever it be there is always something flourishing the idea of dating. So I guess just be part of it and keep playing with it :-)

Was written back in August 2010.

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