Sunday 9 March 2014

Marriage...what about it??

Marriage, what about it ? why is it a compulsion ? why people get married ? I mean is it really what you want, I mean really, do you want it ???
If its about coming together of two souls then why run for the label ? Yes, I do think marriage is just a label which for some insane reason the whole world wants to run after or you are being put to run after. If you love someone just live with him/her, why the need for certification, the label ?
Sometimes I wonder do people get married because they want to get married or because they have to get married. Most of the time it is seen, that we get married or we are put to do so when we realize that everyone around us is getting married, be it the friends from school, be it your college friends, be it co-workers, and the worst breed being your cousins!!! And the realization of that ” breaking news” is so sudden and periodic that some actually get succumbed to it. And the worst source of that realization comes from our relatives, who have nothing else to do but to get us married. 
Sometimes I feel, this whole marriage thing is like a law in a communist country which if you don’t abide by, you will actually be persecuted, by none other than our parents, society and the obnoxious breed of all, the relatives. Its like a dagger hanging over your head at all times, waiting to be dropped at any time. I mean there is so much more to life than that, your career, your own wants and desires, what about them ? what if you just don’t want to get married, may be you just enjoy being single and focusing on other aspects of life, like, may be you just want to travel, may be you are still discovering yourself and still finding the YOU in this messy and overly populated world, may be you don’t want to get married when you are asked to do so, I mean there is so much more to life than just getting married. But no, the so called society won’t let you do so, the moment you cross 25, you are just forced into this dead zone and all you hear, all you see is the deadly atomic word called “MARRIAGE”!!! May be the guy wants to get married at 30 or 35, whats the big deal and the moment you express your views about marriage, its like you are so dead, you have just invited a world war at your doorstep!! Marriage is like a set barometer of ones state of happiness and success, you get married you are happy, you don’t get married you are a dead man!! The society will become a virtual murderer of your happiness and butcher you into tiny little pieces. The moment you say “I enjoy singularity”, you are considered either gay, impotent or being possessed by a demon. 
Marriage is like a certificate which you have to achieve and add to your already stake of files. Why are we made to run for it ? Why the rat race ? Why can’t it just be a choice ? Answer comes ” Oh who is going to take care of you when you get old ? Don’t you want kids ? ” Oh common, when was life ever predictable and came with a guarantee ? Plans often don’t materialize and we all know that, so why make that long term plan ? You want kids you can still have them what has marriage got to do with it ? Who is going to take care of me ? I can still live with the person I love, what has marriage got to do with it ? 
Its like marriage is an answer to your life, its your survival kit which you are made to believe and preach all your life, to which the alternatives are almost always inevitably ignored.
Marriage oh marriage….what about it…….